Volunteering at Ravenswood

Volunteers are an important part of our vibrant community.

The role volunteers play at the School is significant, and allows Ravenswood to provide unique and rewarding experiences for the girls. It also provides a fantastic opportunity for current and past parents and friends to become absorbed in the life of the School, and enrich their daughter’s school experience. The opportunities for participation in the school community and the development of life-long friendships with other volunteers can be richly rewarding.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you can find out more right here. Please take the time to read the Volunteer Code of Conduct so you have a good understanding of the School’s expectations of volunteers, and understand your rights and responsibilities.

The safety and wellbeing of our students is our highest priority. If you are a parent volunteer, it is preferred that you obtain a volunteer Working with Children Check and provide this information in your application form. Any volunteer attending an overnight camp or other high-risk role will be required to obtain a Volunteer Working with Children Check. In the event that you do not hold a Working with Children Check number you will be required to complete a Volunteer Statutory Declaration and Consent Form which must be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace.

Apply for a Volunteer Working With Children Check


Register as a Parent Volunteer


All parent volunteers will be required to conduct online training.

Please contact Marketing, Communications and Engagement at community@ravenswood.nsw.edu.au or phone (02) 9498 9828 if you have any questions.