Learning Enrichment
Learning Support
Add to FavouritesThe Learning Enrichment Department offers a range of support services to assist students in Junior School, including Learning Support.
These services are designed to support students who require specialised instruction in areas of the curriculum, particularly in Literacy and Numeracy. Support is offered in several ways; in the classroom working alongside the classroom teacher, in small groups on a withdrawal basis and working with individuals. Explanation, direction and structure is given, so that learning is a scaffolded process which takes place in a safe environment.
Prior knowledge of the student, based on assessments conducted by our specialist Learning Enrichment teachers, previous reports and consultation with the class teacher, create a thorough understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the individual. They also draw attention to the student’s preferred and specific learning styles. Continued communication between parents, classroom and Learning Enrichment teachers is vital in developing a holistic approach for each student.
Learning Enrichment teachers work collaboratively with the classroom teacher, implementing adjustments and making modifications to cater for students with specific learning disabilities. They provide hands on, interactive and engaging resources to support the individual student’s learning journey. Students are encouraged to use a variety of resources and devices to enrich their understanding. These include games, engaging apparatus, tablets, SMART Boards, white boards and computers.
Learning Enrichment teachers encourage students to build their knowledge and skills, become risk takers, to work to their full potential, and to monitor their learning by reflecting and reviewing their progress, based on feedback from other students and teachers. Positive reinforcement by teachers and peers, combined with self-motivation, is the key to learning. Students feel motivated, encouraged and supported by our specialist teachers, knowing that a new concept will be reinforced or practically demonstrated to deepen understanding, so that they can become confident and tenacious learners.