Middle Years

Learning Framework

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The Ravenswood Learning Framework provides a touchstone for the development of consistent, high quality teaching practices. We recognise that effective teachers, provide productive learning environments, that challenge and support students to maintain high levels of motivation, to develop the confidence to work independently, and to practice the skills to work collaboratively. Our teachers know their students, and make discerning use of data, to inform the careful planning of learning opportunities that meet each student’s needs.

Our teachers are a community of learners, engaged in the purposeful design and implementation of curriculum experiences that aim to provide opportunities for students to:

International Baccalaureate

Our vision for our students is informed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile. All of our students are on a journey to develop the following attributes, which align with the school’s Guiding Principles:

Professional Development

Our teachers have the opportunity to benefit from the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Teacher Performance and Development Framework, as realised in the Ravenswood-specific model for reflective practice. This includes reflection, goal-setting, access to high quality professional learning, evidence of student learning, observation, feedback and review. This model is designed to measure teacher effectiveness by considering the impact on student learning outcomes.

Every three years, teachers are required to undertake a deeper, sustained inquiry into an aspect of their teaching practice, as it relates directly to student learning. This inquiry is supported by the online platform, Appretio and the support of a mentor. By participating in the Ravenswood-specific model, teachers are supported to achieve accreditation with the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), maintain their accreditation, and aspire to higher levels of accreditation through mentoring their colleagues.

Learning should not only take us somewhere; it should allow us later to go further more easily.

(Bruner, 1960)