Learning Framework
Middle Years PDHPE
Add to FavouritesPersonal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) contributes significantly to the cognitive, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development of students. The Years 7-10 PDHPE curriculum, plays an important role in promoting the value of physical activity, developing resilience and providing opportunities for students to learn how to maintain a healthy, productive and active lifestyle.
In PDHPE, students explore a variety of issues that are likely to impact their future health and wellbeing, such as physical activity, mental health, drug use, sexual health, nutrition, relationships, personal safety, gender roles and discrimination. Potential health issues in later life and their relationship to lifestyle patterns established in adolescence, are also examined.
Young people’s motivation to be physically active is influenced by their level of enjoyment, perceived competence and social support. PDHPE plays a key role in promoting physical activity and developing competency in movement skills. Students develop, adapt and improvise their movement skills in a wide variety of challenging environments, which appeal to their interests and enhance their enjoyment, and which ultimately increases the likelihood of lifelong physical activity.
Ravenswood’s philosophy is to promote physical activity to all students and provide opportunities for participation at all levels of skill. In Secondary School, there is a wide variety of sport available for a range of abilities and interests.
Year 9
In Year 9, students have the additional opportunity to study Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) as an elective. PASS represents a broad view of physical activity and the many possible contexts in which individuals can build activity into their lifestyle. It incorporates a wide range of lifelong physical activities, including recreational, leisure and adventure pursuits, competitive and non-competitive games, individual and group physical fitness activities and the use of physical activity for therapy and remediation.
PASS promotes learning about movement and provides students with opportunities to develop their movement skills, analyse movement performance and assist the performance of others. Students learn to appreciate the traditions and special characteristics associated with various physical activities, and the artistic and aesthetic qualities of skilled performance and determined effort.