Senior Years
Student Wellbeing
Add to FavouritesStudent Wellbeing is about ensuring each student is equipped and supported to achieve wellbeing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, which is critical for academic success.
Ravenswood provides a multi-layered system of monitoring, support and guidance provided by specialist staff, Mentors, Year Coordinators and Assistant Year Coordinators. The Year Coordinators monitor the academic, social and emotional progress for each and every student. They also design and implement developmentally appropriate Senior Years Programs and structures to complement and support students’ academic learning.
A specialist Wellbeing team is available, consisting of the Deputy Principal — Head of Secondary School, Director of Student Wellbeing, Chaplain, Psychologists and Learning Enrichment Coordinator. These specialists are available to help support students’ individual needs and circumstances.
In the Senior Years, the main emphasis is on developing leadership and time management skills, to assist with the many competing responsibilities of study, family, friends and often part-time work. The younger students look up to the senior students as role models and leaders. Senior students also give back to the school through forming connections with younger students through the Better Buddies and Big Sister Programs.
The school’s Guiding Principles are at the heart of all Senior Years Programs and the activities the students interact in, aim to develop an awareness of these within a school, local and global community.
Senior Years programs that support wellbeing include Imagine, 4 the Future and Be the Change Agent: A Design Thinking Challenge, which is run jointly with Knox Grammar School. There are additional opportunities through the Global Experience Program, for students to participate in cultural exchanges and overseas Tours and Immersions. The sequential Camp Program provides further opportunities for the development of self-reliance, teamwork, leadership, initiative and responsibility, and students are encouraged through the challenges of experiential learning and new adventures.